2021 National Quality Framework Approved Learning Frameworks Update project

Activity: Scholarly activities in Learning and Teaching reflectionProfessional and scholarly communities reflection


See https://www.mq.edu.au/faculty-of-arts/departments-and-schools/macquarie-school-of-education/our-research/research-groups/approved-learning-frameworks-update for full details related to this work. My role in the project includes the promotion/dissemination of the Australian Learning Framework's Updates Consultation website and collection of stakeholder input/data; providing feedback on a Discussion Paper and Recommendations; contributing expert advice on the collection and analysis of data (Delphi Panel); and supporting educators' during sector piloting/testing of draft updates.

This work is important because it ensures the ongoing currency and relevance of Australia's two Approved Learning Frameworks (ALFs), for children and young people, families and communities, teachers and educators. The two national ALFs that are included in this Update are: The Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. EYLF outlines practices that support and promote learning for children from birth to five years attending education and care services such as preschool, kindergarten, long day care and family day care. And, My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP). The MTOP outlines practices for children attending before/after school and vacation care.

This work will/did impact my teaching because providers of Education and Care Services National Law approved education and care services must offer programs to children based on government Approved Learning Frameworks. These documents are used by educators in approved education and care, and other similar settings to guide programs of learning and development for children and young people. These documents therefore underpin much of the early childhood curriculum that is taught in Undergraduate and Post-graduate related degrees at CSU, including those that I teach in. Having an in-depth knowledge of the ALF documents and the updates enables me to ensure that my subjects reflect contemporary developments in practice and knowledge to extend children's and young people's learning. This is already visible in my teaching through the many enriched conversations I have had with many students about embedding the ALFs into their own teaching practice. Ultimately, this will also ensure that the programs that my students then deliver to children are based on an ALF and are delivered in a manner that accords with Australia's National Quality Framework, and where appropriate, align with the Australian Curriculum. Once the updates have been finalised (2022) I will embed the new ALFs into the subject content of related subjects (such as EMC305).
PeriodMar 2021Mar 2022
Held atMacquarie University, Australia, New South Wales
Degree of RecognitionNational