The ASCILITE 2020 Conference is ASCILITE’s 37th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. This year’s conference was hosted by the University of New England, Armidale, virtually due to COVID-19, on 30 November to 1 December 2020.All Full and Concise papers submitted for the conference underwent a double-blind peer review process. A third blind peer review was conducted if opinions between the two reviewers was divided. This process allowed papers to be ranked and selected for inclusion in the conference. A further review was conducted by the ASCILITE 2020 Program Committee for papers just above
and below the anticipated cut line.
ASCILITE 2020 themes:
1. Transforming Assessment: online examinations, innovations and transitioning to digital assessment, tools and techniques;
2. Learning Analytics, Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence): contemporary issues, intelligent tutoring systems, bringing analytics meaningfully to scale, ethics, future directions;
3. Learning Design: theory, methodologies and approaches, design for online, designing at scale; design patterns, hybrid learning, safety and privacy;
4. Continuing Professional Learning: frameworks, policy and practice, micro-credentialing, emerging themes;
5. Next Generation Learning Environments: mashups, virtual worlds; adaptive learning, personal learning environments, learning ecosystems;
6. Student Success and Progression: challenges of online learning, dealing with diversity, student advising models, the student journey in changing world;
Period | 2020 |
Event type | Conference |
Degree of Recognition | International |