A scoping review into the out-of-hospital management of tachycardia by paramedics.

Activity: Supervision/Examination/MentoringHonours Supervision


This research aims to map the literature on managing tachycardia in paramedicine using a scoping review methodology. This study will identify gaps in the evidence of out-of-hospital treatment for tachycardia, recommend future research in areas lacking evidence, and work towards developing a framework to inform a national paramedicine clinical practice guideline.
The study parameters will include data collected worldwide through research data and ambulance service protocols. The data will be found using a range of databases, including OVID, SCOPUS, and ProQuest and will be screened and extracted using the JBI SUMARI tool, with the addition of a PCC used in the screening process. The data will then be analysed using thematic analysis as described by Braun and Clarke (Braun & Clarke, 2006) and will be presented in a concept table. A PRISMA flow diagram will be used to map the screening process of the data that has been collected and excluded and included in the final review.
Period01 Oct 2022 → …
ExamineeLucy Roberts
Examination held at


  • Paramedicine
  • tachycardia
  • management