AI and Cyber Futures Institute Research Co-creation Sandpits Event

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventWorkshop/course/forumAcademic


Recent trends in the Australian higher eduction require closer collaboration between different disciplines. The Australian Government has lately made major investments into a number of initiatives, all designed with cross-disciplinary
research in mind. The international research landscape is also focused around science, which is capable of making practical impact across multiple areas of research.

The "sandpit" method of producing collaborative projects between academics encourages innovation and creativity in research and co-creation design. A sandpit is an event where researchers from different disciplines come
together to create new ideas around a specified set of themes.

AI and Cyber Futures Institute Research Co-Creation Sandpit is set to encourage the formation of cross-disciplinary teams between academics at Charles Sturt University as well as foster the development of concrete and realistic
plans to achieve common goals.

The event will involve presentations, group work, and reflection to ensure productive co-creation.
Period07 Sept 2023
Event typeWorkshop
LocationBathurst, Australia, New South WalesShow on map
Degree of RecognitionLocal