Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference/Symposium › Government
Invited Speaker to Australian Institute of Criminology Conference - published abstract and presentation recording Views of mums about involving children in DV-related research Mothers with experiences of domestic violence had prevailing fears about children’s participation in domestic violence research. While they understood the benefits for service provision, they were fearful about the consequences, particularly if the perpetrator of the violence found out about the research. Mothers were fearful that children’s research participation could have implications for legal proceedings, and lead to the involvement of child protection and mental health services in their lives. Secrets about the real domestic violence might be revealed and children could be re-traumatised. Domestic violence research with children must ensure the highest level of safeguarding before mothers would consider consenting to children’s research participation.
31 Oct 2022
Event type
Canberra, Australia, Australian Capital TerritoryShow on map