Biomechanics Research and Innovation Challenge

Activity: Supervision/Examination/MentoringMentor or Internship SupervisionIndustry


Through the Biomechanics Research and Innovation Challenge (BRInC), Australian high school girls from diverse backgrounds will work with early career female biomechanists to develop their own biomechanics story.

BRInC aims to inspire and raise participation of high school girls in biomedical engineering, through focusing on the exciting field of biomechanics. Simultaneously, BRInC will provide awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities associated with this unique field.

Additionally, BRInC aims to grow the leadership capacity of current early career female biomechanists by giving them access to professional training and support to develop their expertise as STEM mentors and future leaders in biomechanics. The program will also build an inclusive and supportive professional network of Australian women in biomechanics.
Examination held at
  • Orange High School