Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventWorkshop/course/forumAcademic


In 2021, I enrolled in the GCLTHE to gain the knowledge and skills to support my teaching role. The assessment tasks (ATs) in the subject allowed me critique learning experiences in the subjects I teach and propose new evidence-based learning experiences. In one AT, I conceptualised the graduate learning outcomes (GLOs) in a subject to promote student success. To complete this task, I proposed a teaching and learning experience that linked to the information and research literacies GLO using McCarthy’s 4MAT model (McCarthy et al., 2002). I used the proposed learning activity and it improved students’ understanding of and developed their skills in evaluating journal articles and provided good scaffolding towards the main assessment task (writing a literature review) which led to overall improved performance in the AT.
In another AT, I critiqued the subject with reference to the CSU professional and practice based education model (EFPI, 2015). This activity allowed me to gain understanding of the CSU professional and practice-based education model, demonstrate clear links of the model to my discipline, utilise the taxonomy and review literature supporting the model. After the critique, I proposed a learning experience that promoted development of communities of practice where students would develop collaboration, negotiation skills as well as empathy and respect (EFPI, 2015) whilst working with a diverse range of patient. I envisioned incorporating this learning experience in my teaching in 2021 but this was not possible due to transition to the online learning. Nevertheless, the knowledge and skills gained from this process will be used to inform future practice.
Overall, the knowledge gained in these professional development activities continues to inform my practice e.g. developing a subject that is constructively alignment and creating learning experiences that support learning.
EFPI. (2015). Professional and practice-based education. Sydney, The Education For Practice Institute, Charles Sturt University.

McCarthy, B., Germain, C., & Lippitt, L. (2002). The 4MAT research guide. Wauconda, IL: About Learning Inc.
Event typeCourse
LocationWagga Wagga, Australia, New South WalesShow on map