HML401 content development

Activity: Engagement and professional developmentContent creation/deliveryAcademic


An objective as outlined in my EDRS plan was to design and trial engagement activities in offering of HML401
and gather data from students in SuES. HML401 is a new micro-session subject which has been developed as
part of the redesigned Health Management and Leadership program. This was the first offering of the subject. I
was tasked with development and Subject Coordinator for the delivery of the subject in session 202112. Given
that HML401 is one of the introductory subjects to the degree for students, my aim was to create and engaging
online experience to maximise participation and collaboration, combining real-world experiences and an
evidence-based approach. I engaged an educational designer with framing assessments to meet Learning
Objectives, and setup of the HML401 interact2 site to meet this objective.
Held atScience and Health
Degree of RecognitionRegional