How does the Bible help us think about disability?

  • Short, M. (Participant)
  • Kia Wallwork (Facilitator)

Activity: Engagement and professional developmentDelivery of advanced professional developmentAcademic


The "How does the Bible help us think about disability?" day was organised and hosted by South Wagga Anglican Church; it involved the following activities:
* 8.30 sermon at St Albuns
* 10am sermon at St Pauls
* 3pm leadership information session and workshop
* 5pm Q&A at St Pauls.
Period29 Sept 2024
Degree of RecognitionLocal


  • disaiblity
  • Bible
  • church
  • faith
  • social work

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences(all)

Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Countries where activity occurred

  • Australia