Personification, the Posthuman and the Poseidon Adventure

  • Tracy Sorensen (Presenter)

    Activity: Engagement and professional developmentContent creation/deliveryAcademic


    The Australasian Post-Humanities "exists to make the humanities radically accessible". I was invited to give an online presentation titled "Personification, the Posthuman and the Poseidon Adventure" at 3pm Wed, September 16, 2020.
    Abstract: Do one's abdominal organs "belong" to oneself? In A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari refer to the Body Without Organs - a mysterious and confounding concept. Interestingly, they're careful to explain they have nothing against organs; it's the assemblage that is the problem, because assemblages tend to concentrate or enact power. In my novel, working title The Pouch of Douglas*, the affected organs in a cancerous human body tell us about their own lives and trials. It is a cancer memoir with a difference: the "romantically suffering" human subject is radically decentered; she is glimpsed only ​indirectly, as a character offstage in this drama, or perhaps as venue for the drama.
    Period16 Sept 2020
    Held atAustralasian Post-Humanities, Australia
    Degree of RecognitionNational


    • Deleuze
    • Body without organs
    • Posthumanism
    • Creative writing
    • creative industries

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Arts and Humanities(all)