The Library was invited to present an information session about systematic reviews during the Research Clinic portion of the 2022 Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences HDR Conference. A colleague and I decided to collaborate on the presentation.To prepare for the session we thought about our audience. While all the students attending would be HDR students, they were at varying stages of their candidature. As a result, it wasn’t practical to focus on a specific aspect of conducting a systematic reviews. We decided to take a linear approach to briefly describe the process of conducting a systematic review so that students could self-identify where in the process they were up to, and if they hadn’t commenced this work yet, the presentation would serve as an introduction.
We reflected on the most common questions we receive from students and researchers about the systematic review process. We prioritised key points on the PowerPoint slides and highlighted solutions to common challenges. While the session was delivered in person, in order to accommodate attendees joining online, the setup of the equipment meant that sharing links through the Zoom chat was not possible. Instead, we created and embedded QR codes into our PowerPoint slides to connect students with Library resources containing further support, which were visible to both in-person and online attendees and accessible to students who may view a recording of the session.
Additionally, the time allotment for our presentation was about 10 minutes. This time frame was limiting considering the breadth of the topic but did encourage us to deeply consider the most important aspects to share with the students.
Overall, the session went well. This was my first live presentation at an event of this nature and I am now more aware of how to prepare. A student also took the time to approach us after the session to extend their thanks generally to the Library for the support they had received throughout their candidature so far which is always lovely to hear!
Period | 16 Nov 2022 |
Event title | 2022 Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences HDR Conference |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Wagga Wagga, Australia, New South WalesShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | Local |
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2022 Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences HDR Conference
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference/Symposium › Academic