Activity: Engagement and professional development › Content creation/delivery › Academic
Engaging students in online teaching can be challenging. At my previous workplace I undertook a number of PD sessions in using software that could be embedded into PowerPoint for example to make presentations more student orientated, engaging and allowing students to test their own knowledge and reflect on what they have learnt. I commenced teaching at CSU in week 6 and took over the coordination of two online subjects. As I was delivering these subjects, I was reflecting on how the changes I had made to my teaching approaches previously had seen an increase in student engagement and feedback scores for the subjects from my previous workplace. I have undertaken PD sessions at CSU regarding software available to use in online delivery and have now started to develop content using H5P. This will allow me to upload recorded power points, embed activities such as reflections, quizzes and videos with the aim of improving the student's engagement and learning in online subjects. This will be reviewed as part of student feedback at the end of the session.