Research Café: Introducing co-operative inquiry, the Teaching and Learning think tank, and the International Network of Co-operative Inquirers

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventWorkshop/course/forumAcademic


Co-operative inquiry is an accessible, participatory research methodology. It enables the collection of the narratives and experiences, epistemologies, and practice wisdom of research inquirers. The method facilitates mutually supportive connections between academia, community and/or industry.
Our presentation introduces the co-operative inquiry methodology, the International Network of Co-operative Inquirers, and the Teaching and Learning think tank research network. In this presentation, we will narrate our experiences of being co-researchers, co-inquirers, co-authors and co-subjects in a range of research activities utilising co-operative inquiry.
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • research
  • Methodology
  • co-operative inquiry
  • pedagogy