Teaching and Learning Reflection - EEB442 - International Cultural and Educational Experience

Activity: Scholarly activities in Learning and Teaching reflectionProfessional and scholarly communities reflection


Travel and accommodation arrangements worked well on the ground despite initial mistakes with bookings and difficulties dealing with ATPI (CSU's travel contractor). Cultural and sightseeing activities were well received by students and worked well; noting that these activities were organised and coordinated by the team leader not the travel agent.
While there was some challenging behaviour from some students, the trip was successful. Some changes will be made to the program to accommodate the special needs of individuals in the future including consulting CSU Disability Liaison Officers. Some students struggled with the flexibility of the program, particularly in relation to arrangements for placement. In future, I would like to see a requirement for students to provide their Study Access Plan where they have one and request an individual meeting with them and a CSU Disability Liaison Officer prior to undertaking the placement.
I will investigate a shortened program and consider reducing the trip to 16 days for 2023 in order to reduce the cost given that there will be no NCP funding.
Period04 Nov 202227 Nov 2022
Held atEducation
Degree of RecognitionInternational