Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Best Practice Career Education for Students with Disability – Creating a National Resource Hub Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Career Development Association Australia Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 page Country/Territory Australia Date 15/07/21 Description The research project ‘National Career Development Learning Hub for Students with Disability’ is funded by the National Careers Institute (NCI) to establish the first dedicated national Career Development Learning (CDL) Hub for students with disability. This blog post is written by research team members Olivia Groves, Sarah O’Shea, Kylie Austin and Jodi Lamanna. Producer/Author Olivia Groves, Sarah O’Shea, Kylie Austin and Jodi Lamanna. URL Persons Olivia Groves, Sarah O'Shea, Kylie Austin, Jodie Lamanna