Bodies donated

Press/Media: Press / Media


CAIRNS people are rushing to donate their bodies to science after they die.
James Cook University's head of anatomy Claudia Diaz has been inundated with calls from Cairns residents after last week's Cairns Sun story pleading for people to register as potential body donors.
JCU has a critical shortage of bodies for its medical, nursing, health and science students, with only six donated through its bequest program since 2005.

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Period16 Apr 2008

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleBodies donated
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletCairns Sun
    Media typePrint
    DescriptionCAIRNS people are rushing to donate their bodies to science after they die. James Cook University's head of anatomy Claudia Diaz has been inundated with calls from Cairns residents after last week's Cairns Sun story pleading for people to register as potential body donors. JCU has a critical shortage of bodies for its medical, nursing,health and science students,with only six donated through its bequest program since 2005.
    PersonsClaudia Diaz