God Forbid -Pilgrimage in Islam

Press/Media: Press / Media


Dr Mahsheed Ansari was one of the panelists in 2018 God Forbid radio show on ABC. Producer Noel Debien and presenter James Carlton. 

Period27 Aug 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleIs pilgrimage about looking for the best part of ourselves?
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media typeRadio
    DescriptionWhy do religions encourage pilgrimage? Jews journey to Jerusalem’s wailing wall. For Sikhs, it’s the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Zoroastrians trek to the fire temple in Yazd, Iran. Buddhist hike to holy sites like the Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar State, North India There’s a Hindu pilgrimage that ends with you standing next to 120 million people - in the river Ganges Christian pilgrims head to Europe and the Holy Land And for the pilgrimage that’s compulsory – Muslims have the Hajj to Mecca. Supporting Information Guests: Dr Masheed Ansari, Research fellow , Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt university Director, Islamic Sciences and Research Academy Gerard Windsor, Literary critic & author of more than a dozen books, including Being a Catholic Today - The Tempest-Tossed Church , and Angels Before Me – The Road to Santiago
    Producer/AuthorJames Carleton / Noel Debien
    PersonsMahsheed Ansari