HSC English Text Prescriptions

Press/Media: Press / Media


Commentary on the new HSC Prescriptions Texts List for English - commenting on the chnages and the texts included on the list, including proprotions of male/female authors, newly added texts, the range of texts and issues relating to canonical texts

Period12 Dec 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleHSC English Prescriptions Texts List 2027-2028
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletABC Radio Riverina
    Media typeRadio
    Duration/Length/Size15 minutes
    DescriptionCommentary on the new HSC Prescriptions Texts List for English - commenting on the changes and the texts included on the list, including proportions of male/female authors, newly added texts, the range of texts and issues relating to canonical texts
    Producer/AuthorSam Robinson & Sally Bryant
    PersonsPaul Grover