JCU calls for bodies

Press/Media: Press / Media


CLAUDIA Diaz has put out an urgent plea to Far Northerners - she wants to hear from people prepared to donate their bodies after they die.
The new head of anatomy at James Cook University says JCU has a critical shortage of cadavers for its medical, nursing, science, speech pathology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students.


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Period09 Apr 2008

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleJCU calls for bodies
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletCairns Sun
    Media typePrint
    DescriptionCLAUDIA Diaz has put out an urgent plea to Far Northerners- she wants to hear from people prepared to donate their bodies after they die.The new head of anatomy at James Cook University says JCU has a critical shortage of cadavers for its medical, nursing,science, speech pathology,physiotherapy and occupational therapy students.
    PersonsClaudia Diaz