Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Look after your mind in exam time Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Daily Liberal and Macquarie Advocate; Dubbo, N.S.W. Media type Radio Country/Territory Australia Date 15/10/15 Description As end-of-year exams begin this week Dr Fredrik Velander, a mental health expert from Charles Sturt University, is encouraging students to keep balance and health in their lives during times of stress.
"Studying for a major test is a time when you can feel overwhelmed with stress and anxiety, and you can really question the meaning of things," Dr Velander said. "This is a good time to start using the 'self-care' technique. Self-care is positive self-talk and removal of personal put-downs in your thinking."
Dr Velander's top tips for regaining mental wellbeing in times of stress include:
o Structure your time and make a list of priorities
o Break your time up into productive periods to remain focused
o Make time to exercise outside to reduce stress and help beat depression
o Keep balance in your life by maintaining a hobby
o Sleep well, go to bed at the same time each night and remember quality is more important than quantity.
For support and mental health advice, students can contact headspace online or by phone on 1800 650 890.Producer/Author Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited URL Persons Fredrik Velander