New mums needed to help with postnatal depression study

    Press/Media: Press / Media

    Period04 Apr 2019

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleNew mums needed to help with postnatal depression study
      Degree of recognitionRegional
      Media name/outletThe Daily Advertiser
      Media typePrint
      Duration/Length/Size1 page
      DescriptionMother-of-two Lucinda Clay was one of the estimated 15 per cent of new mums who develop postnatal depression. Now an advocate on the issue, Ms Clay has faced both postnatal depression and post-partum psychosis. "With the first one, being a first-time mum, you just didn't know any different," she said. "I was becoming very unwell. I was crying all the time and very reclusive. I was living at Deniliquin at the time, so I was a bit isolated."
      Producer/AuthorJody Lindbeck
      PersonsMaree Bernoth