
Charles Sturt University research and an online survey by a collaborative team aims to support the development of campaigns to increase road user knowledge, safety and support for bicyclists.

  • Survey explores attitudes of people in regional NSW to cycling as transport and recreation
  • Researchers aim to understand how bicyclists use the roads in their postcode area
  • Survey information will help programs to increase road user knowledge, safety and support for bike riders

The Riding a Bike in Regional NSW Survey’ and related research is supported by Charles Sturt UniversityTransport for NSW, and Bathurst Regional Council.

Research Fellow in the Charles Sturt School of Communication and Creative Industries in Bathurst, Associate Professor Peter Simmons, is leading the research, and said walking and cycling are integral to our transport system and successful communities.
































































“More than a million people in NSW already ride a bike at least once a week (13 per cent of the population) and 2.6 million people ride a bike at least once a year,” Professor Simmons said.
































































































































“In regional areas cycling brings tourism revenue and makes the lifestyle more attractive as a destination.
































































































































“Many are forecasting growth in the use of bikes and e-bikes, and a lot of regional towns and cities have ideal topography and distances for cycling.
































































































































“We need to know how to cater for them so that riding a bike is not only fun but safe.”
































































Professor Simmons said the purpose of the study is to explore attitudes of people in NSW to cycling as a mode of transport and recreation, in order to support development of campaigns to increase road user knowledge and support for bike riders.
































































“We would like to understand how bike riders currently use the roads in their postcode area, and we would like to hear from a  wide cross-section of the community, both riders and non-riders,” he said.
































































“Participants will be asked questions about cycling and road rules; they may find these questions interesting and/or educational.”
































































The research team led by Professor Simmons includes Mr Andrew Cutts, Road Safety Officer, Bathurst Regional Council; Dr Clifford Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Marketing in the Charles Sturt School of Management and Marketing; Dr Sarah Redshaw, Research Officer, Charles Sturt University; and Mr Kane Callaghan, Research Assistant, Charles Sturt School of Communication and Creative Industries.

The Riding a Bike in Regional NSW Survey’ should only take around 10 minutes to complete. The survey closes in the first week of February 2021.

The researchers will publish reports and articles in scientific journals released into the public domain through university websites and news releases. Individual participants will not be identifiable in any reports or publications arising from this project.

Period17 Dec 2020

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