The faulty child welfare system is the real issue behind our youth justice crisis

  • Kath McFarlane

Press/Media: Press / Media


Article in The Conversation


Somewhere along the way, many vulnerable children in state care turn to crime. How this happens and what can be done about it are two of the most important crime-prevention questions facing society. Policymakers are reluctant to acknowledge the care system is producing criminals. This is despite abundant research showing children become involvedĀ in crime through the processes of the care environment itself.

Period13 Feb 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleThe faulty child welfare system is the real issue behind our youth justice crisis
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb
    Somewhere along the way, many vulnerable children in state care turn to crime. How this happens and what can be done about it are two of the most important crime-prevention questions facing society. Policymakers are reluctant to acknowledge the care system is producing criminals. This is despite abundant research showing children become involved in crime through the processes of the care environment itself.
    Producer/AuthorKath McFarlane
    PersonsKath McFarlane


  • Out-Of-Home-Care
  • Criminalisation
  • Child welfare
  • Crime