Ethics interactive YouTube videos


    Impact summary

    In 2016, I developed four interactive YouTube videos highlighting cases of unprofessional practices along with 3 short outcome videos for each to show the possible actions to deal with the behaviour and the likely consequence of each action. Approval for the production of these videos was obtained from the ACS Professionals Standards Board. These interactive YouTube videos enable ICT professionals to make choices and then see how these choices play out. The Australian Computer Society (ACS), which is the peak ICT body in Australia and the main association representing ICT professionals, has uploaded these interactive YouTube videos on the ACS YouTube Channel The videos were received very well by the 26000 + ACS members and the ACS Information Age readers. At the time of writing this report, the YouTube videos have a round of 50K views. The magazine editor Roulla Yiacoumi emailed me to say "The topic of ethics in the ICT industry resonated strongly with our readers – it’s been our top-read story for the past week -- and definitely an area I’d like to explore further." Others’ emails I received include "Your videos are nation leading this week! :-)" [Prof Oliver Burmeister, Chair ACS Ethics Committee]; "Well done" [Andrew Johnson, CEO ACS]; "Great to see" [Steve Godbee, CIO - Australia and New Zealand at IBM & Chair PSB].
    Impact date2016