New Zealand Pharmacy Council Professional Competency Standards Final Outcome 2023

Impact: Public policy Impact

Impact summary

In 2022, the New Zealand Pharmacy Council determined that it would revise its professional competence standards with reference to Crtical Tiriti Analysis - an original policy evaluation measure I developed with colleagues Came and McCreanor in 2020. Its intent was to ensure that its legal obligations in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi were met. The Council appointed me to an Expert Advisory Committee to help draft the revised standards and to review public submissions on the draft. The final standards for registration as a pharmacist were brought into force in 2023. Te Tiriti o Waitangi is integrated into the requirements for registration as a Pharmacist Prescriber and there is an explicit Tiriti requirement for registration as a pharmacist

Research and engagement activities leading to impact

I was first or second author of four journal articles which developed and first applied CTA. I was a member of the Pharmacy Council Expert Advisory Committee which drafted the standards for registration as a pharmacist, reviewed public submissions on the draft and presented final standards to the Pharmacy Council, which it brought into force in 2023. It simultaneously gave effect to standards for registration as a Pharmacist Prescribr.

Research outputs associated with the impact

Came, H., O’Sullivan, D. and McCreanor, T., ‘Introducing Critical Treaty Policy Analysis through a retrospective review of the New Zealand Primary Health Care Strategy’. Ethnicities, 6 January 2020. (DOI) 10.1177/1468796819896466.

Came, H., O’Sullivan, D., and McCreanor, T., and Kidd, J. ‘The WAI 2575 - Waitangi Tribunal Report: Implications for decolonising health systems’. Health and Human Rights Journal Vol. 22(1), 19 June 2020.

Came, H., O’Sullivan, D., and McCreanor, T., and Kidd, J. ‘The WAI 2575 - Waitangi Tribunal Report: Implications for decolonising health systems’. Health and Human Rights Journal Vol. 22(1), 19 June 2020.

O’Sullivan, D., Came, H., Mcreanor, T. and Kidd, J. ‘A Critical Review of the Cabinet Circular on Treaty of Waitangi and te Tiriti o Waitangi Advice for Ministers’. Ethnicities. Published December 2021.

Researcher involvement

I contributed to all standards but led the drafting and review of the Treaty of Waitangi/Tiriti standard with reference to Critical Tiriti Analysis which is an original policy method I helped to design. I ed the integration of Te Tiriti into the standards for Pharmacist Prescribers. I was first or second author of the journal articles above - sharing equally in the conceptualisation, research and writing of each with Prof. Came.

Outcomes of research leading to impact

Pharmacy Council (2023). Competence Standards for Aotearoa New Zealand
Pharmacist Prescribers.

Pharmacy Council (2023). Competence Standards for Aotearoa New Zealand

Beneficiaries of the impact

New Zealand Pharmacy Council, pharmacists, pharmacy prescribers and their Maori patients. Pharmacy training providers, pharmacy students.

Details of the impact achieved

The impact is that my work has led to specific registration requirements for pharmacists to promote better health outcomes for Maori patients. New Zealand pharmacy education providers are accredited against these standards so there is also an impact on pharmacy curriculum.
Impact date2023
Category of impactPublic policy Impact

Countries where impact occurred

  • New Zealand

Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions