Open Colleges/Charles Sturt University Articulation Agreement and Scholarship Creation

Impact: Economic Impact, Other Impact

Impact summary

As part of my role on the Advisory Council for two (2) Open Colleges courses, an opportunity arose to creating and formalising a partnership for Open College students with credit pathways at Charles Sturt. As a result of my influence and negotiation, Charles Sturt became a preferred provider as a pathway for Open Colleges graduates studying the Diploma of Community Services and/or the Diploma of Counselling into either the Bachelor of Social Work or the Bachelor of Social Welfare/Human Services. I negotiated a memorandum of understanding with Open Colleges including funded Scholarship opportunities by Open Colleges for Open College graduates studying at CSU for these iniatal two courses. Subsequently a further 5 courses from the Faculty of Science were added to the MOU and credit packages establish for various Cert IV in Allied health specialisations. The MOU now has a total 7 courses listed. Open Colleges is one of the largest RTO's in Australia and has Charles Sturt Listed as a preferred partner and pathway. This strengthens the student pipeline and load for Charles Sturt University. The impact of my engagement has been at the forefront of the establishment and continuation of this MOU.
Impact date2015
Category of impactEconomic Impact, Other Impact
Impact levelEngagement


  • partnership with RTO
  • opportunity
  • pathway
  • preferred provider

Countries where impact occurred

  • Australia