Rice research changes commercial food processing practices

    Impact: Economic Impact, Social Impact

    Impact summary

    Rice is a daily staple for more than 3.5 billion people worldwide and provides livelihoods for over 1 billion people. At its peak the Australian rice industry can produce 1.3 million tonnes of rice per annum with farm gate prices as high as $566 per tonne. Australian rice is exported to 60 countries as well as processed and consumed domestically.

    Charles Sturt University's rice quality research team developed a comprehensive understanding of a range of rice quality parameters and the variables that affect these parameters. This research included measuring the impact of storage on rice quality, the role of proteins in determining rice texture, the impact of agronomic practices on rice quality, the role of milling degree in shelf life and the potential role of rice-derived bioactive compounds in reducing disease.

    The research contributed to the development of new high-value rice varieties and rice-based products with enhanced health benefits and optimised rice processing and storage.
    Impact date2002
    Category of impactEconomic Impact, Social Impact
    Impact levelBenefit


    • Food science
    • Manufacturing
    • Milling
    • Quality
    • Rice
    • Grain

    Countries where impact occurred

    • Australia