Special Board of Inquiry into Disability Services Australia Capital Territory 2002

Impact: Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact

Impact summary

Expert Witness and respondent.

I was called to the Inquiry into deaths of clients in residential care as an expert in disability policy and practice due to my previous experience as a Senior Manager/Director - NSW Government. I had just taken up a position with the ACT Government at the time the Inquiry was called. My impact was to provide insights of areas for development of the ACT Disability system and response to the Board of questions relating to the operations of Disability ACT as the provider arm, and as the Senior Manger over-sighting the procurement ($63 million) and policy arm of disability for the ACT jurisdiction, advice on policy development, fair, ethical and just procurement models, and quality processes and monitoring. Part of this role was also to brief both the Minister and the Lead barrister on a daily basis including the provision of written materials for the Board of Inquiry for each sitting. My input directly impacted on a complete revision of staffing models of residential care, quality systems, and a new strategic vision and plan for disability services in the ACT.
Impact date20002002
Category of impactPublic policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact


  • Disability Reform
  • Special Board of Inquiry
  • Expert Witness

Countries where impact occurred

  • Australia