Understanding the experiences of older people to improve their care

    Impact: Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact

    Impact summary

    Older people can become disconnected in rural communities leading to increased morbidity and mortality. To understand why and to re-connect older people with community, Associate Professor Bernoth conducted a series of research projects that led to positive change. The research found that rural older persons feel isolated when forced into residential aged care and that once in care nutrition/hydration were often inadequate. These findings led to regulation changes by the Department of Health and Ageing. The research also participated in the development and evaluation of a new assessment model ‘Staying Active, Staying Independent’ that in contrast to previous models, asks older people what they want from the community service provider. This allowed identification and repair of issues that reduced quality of life.
    Impact date2011
    Category of impactPublic policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
    Impact levelBenefit


    • Ageing
    • Aged care
    • Participation
    • Nursing
    • Nutrition and hydration
    • Rurality
    • Connections

    Countries where impact occurred

    • Australia