- 1 - 50 out of 68 results
Search results
Article title type and its relation with the number of downloads and citations
Jamali, H. R. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact
Assessment of preschool children’s intelligibility
McLeod, S. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
Australian premiere & International premiere of documentary 'Where but into the sea?' and other screenings
Osawa, M. (Creator), Kanno, K. (Creator), Walls, R. (Creator), Schmiedt, H. (Creator) & Miyamori, K. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact, Cultural Impact
Blue Mountains Bushfire Plan - Hansard mention
Doyle, T. (Presenter), Redshaw, S. (Creator), Ingham, V. (Creator), Harrison, K. (Creator), Quigley, T. (Creator), Keating, M. (Creator) & Bigelow, J. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Public policy Impact, Social Impact, Public policy Impact
BSAFE: Blue Mountains Sustainable Approaches to Fire and Emergency
Ingham, V. (Creator), Redshaw, S. (Creator), Harrison, K. (Creator) & Quigley, T. (Creator)
Impact: Environmental Impact, Social Impact
Christchurch International Musical Theatre Summer School (CIMTSS)
Yekanians, S. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impact
Cocaine, Death Squads and the War on Terror: US Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia
Villar, O. (Facilitator)
Impact: Cultural Impact, Social Impact, Public policy Impact, Environmental Impact
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Copyright compliance and infringement in ResearchGate full-text journal articles
Jamali, H. R. (Participant)
Impact: Social Impact, Other Impact
Critical Tiriti Analysis, 2023 - Health Policy
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator), Came, H. (Creator) & McCreanor, T. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Critical Tiriti Analysis 2023 - other policy
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator), Came, H. (Creator) & McCreanor, T. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
'Cuplet #9' 10 April, with Pam Brown, Eliana Gray, and Rae White, The Beaumont Hamilton [poetry reading].
Brown, L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impact
Empowering social workers with a focus on strengthening their virtues
Pawar, M. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact
Establishment of 13 new jail libraries in the Philippines
Garner, J. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact, Quality of life Impact
How living in regional Australia can do wonders for your career
Candusso, D. (Participant)
Impact: Social Impact
Invited Presentation for the Wagga Social Work Network
Moorhead, B. (Participant)
Impact: Social Impact
Journal article prescribed as a required resource for Griffith University Ethics Subject 3007HSV 2016
Moorhead, B. (Participant) & Johnson, S. (Participant)
Impact: Social Impact
Leading the International Consortium for Social Development and making a global impact
Pawar, M. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact
Listening to children's voices and perspectives to inform healthcare and education policy and procedures
Gregoric, C. (Creator), McLeod, S. (Creator), Grant, J. (Creator), Hopf, S. (Creator), Murray, E. (Creator), Verdon, S. (Creator), Andrews, K. (Creator), Blake, H. L. (Creator), Cox, R. (Creator), Davies, J. (Creator), Dealtry, L. (Creator), Dean, C. (Creator), Downey, B. (Creator), Du, J. T. (Creator), Elwick, S. (Creator), Freire, K. (Creator), Gibbs, L. (Creator), Hoffman, L. (Creator), Huser, C. (Creator), Ivory, N. (Creator), Krecko, J. (Creator), Margetson, K. (Creator), McLeod, A. (Creator), Rahman, A. (Creator), Rassafiani, M. (Creator), Sikder, S. (Creator), Smith, L. (Creator), Tribolet, K.-A. (Creator), Stenson, S. (Creator), Woodhead, E.-J. (Creator) & Zischke, C. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
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Listening to the community for guidance on shark management policy in NSW
Simmons, P. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Marketing and communications workshops for NDIS businesses
Kleinschafer, J. (Creator), Attree, K. (Presenter), Cannon, J. (Other), Erskine, V. (Creator) & Ng, K. (Facilitator)
Impact: Economic Impact
Ministerial Review into the Future for Local Government, Final Outcome, 2023.
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Ministerial Review into the Future of Local Government
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
National learning and teaching resource audit and classification
Hider, P. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
New Zealand Pharmacy Council Professional Competency Standards Expert Advisory Group.
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
New Zealand Pharmacy Council Professional Competency Standards Final Outcome 2023
O'Sullivan, D. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Online Student Supervision Training: Accessible and cooperative learning in social work
Bowles, W. (Creator), Collingridge, M. (Creator) & McKinnon, J. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact, Public policy Impact
'Poetry Reading with Lachlan Brown,' 9 October 2019, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, USA,
Brown, L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impact
'Poets Alfresco,' 14 September 2019, with Frank Prem and Jane Downing, Write Around the Murray Festival, Albury.
Brown, L. (Participant), Downing, J. (Presenter) & Prem, F. (Presenter)
Impact: Cultural Impact
President of International Consortium for Social Development
Pawar, M. (Creator)
Impact: Other Impact, Social Impact
'Question and Answer with Lachlan Brown,' 8 October 2019, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Brown, L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impact
Raising awareness and facilitating transformation through the Islamophobia Reports in Australia I, II, III and IV (2014-2022)
Iner, D. (Creator)
Impact: Cultural Impact, Public policy Impact, Social Impact
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Research mentioned in Fine, G. A. (2015). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Wright, J. (ed.). 2 ed. pp. 784-789
Moorhead, B. (Participant) & Johnson, S. (Participant)
Impact: Other Impact, Social Impact
'Running Writing,' 6 April, with Tom Lee, Michael Sala, and Keri Glastonbury, Newcastle Writers Festival, Newcastle [writers festival panel].
Brown, L. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impact
Rural and remote mental health practice in Australia
Crowther, A. (Creator) & Ragusa, A. T. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact