- 41 results
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A/Prof Patrick F Walsh's submission to the 2017 Independent Intelligence Review Cited in final report released by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Walsh, P. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact
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Advanced Care Planning National Policy and Training, KinCare Pty Ltd (2012)
Galovic, L. (Participant)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Public policy Impact
Advancing Domain-Specific Knowledge Graph Construction: Influencing Innovations in Customized Knowledge Graph Technologies
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Other Impact
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Advocating for specialist Parkinson's disease nurses in rural and regional New South Wales
Rossiter, R. (Creator), Bramble, M. (Creator), Carroll, V. (Creator), Schwebel, D. (Creator), Wong, A. (Creator) & Matheson, A. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Social Impact, Economic Impact
Blue Mountains Bushfire Plan - Hansard mention
Doyle, T. (Presenter), Redshaw, S. (Creator), Ingham, V. (Creator), Harrison, K. (Creator), Quigley, T. (Creator), Keating, M. (Creator) & Bigelow, J. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Public policy Impact, Social Impact, Public policy Impact
Book Impact: Small Area Estimation and Microsimulation Modeling
Rahman, A. (Participant)
Impact: Other Impact
BSAFE: Blue Mountains Sustainable Approaches to Fire and Emergency
Ingham, V. (Creator), Redshaw, S. (Creator), Harrison, K. (Creator) & Quigley, T. (Creator)
Impact: Environmental Impact, Social Impact
Efficiency and Stability of Agricultural Supply Chains
Parton, K. (Creator), Cox, R. (Creator), Jie, F. (Creator), Thongrattana, P. T. (Creator), Liu, H. (Creator), Zhou, Z.-Y. (Creator), Ding, M. J. (Creator), Matanda, M. J. (Creator) & Jenkins, R. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact
Enhancing Spatial Data Analysis Public Policy: The Influence of Multimodal Interaction Research on the AIDEA Project
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
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Enhancing the Competitiveness of Australia’s International Traders (2019-2022)
Widdowson, D. (Creator), Blegen, B. (Creator), Kashubsky, M. (Creator) & Grainger, A. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Public policy Impact
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Enhancing the Competitiveness of Australia’s International Traders 2014-2018
Widdowson, D. (Creator), Kashubsky, M. (Creator), Blegen, B. (Creator) & Grainger, A. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Public policy Impact
Epilepsy Seizure prediction using Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal analysis
Paul, M. (Creator) & Parvez, M. Z. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact
Equally Well Consensus Statement: Improving the physical health and wellbeing of people living with mental illness in Australia
Roberts, R. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
Improving police responses to ‘mass shooting’ incidents
Hodgins, G. (Creator) & Saliba, A. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact, Social Impact
Integrating knowledge from computer vision, coding and human-computer interaction to achieve ultra-compression of video data
Paul, M. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Quality of life Impact
Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition Relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Gainsford, A. (Presenter)
Impact: Cultural Impact, Economic Impact, Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
Listening to children's voices and perspectives to inform healthcare and education policy and procedures
Gregoric, C. (Creator), McLeod, S. (Creator), Grant, J. (Creator), Hopf, S. (Creator), Murray, E. (Creator), Verdon, S. (Creator), Andrews, K. (Creator), Blake, H. L. (Creator), Cox, R. (Creator), Davies, J. (Creator), Dealtry, L. (Creator), Dean, C. (Creator), Downey, B. (Creator), Du, J. T. (Creator), Elwick, S. (Creator), Freire, K. (Creator), Gibbs, L. (Creator), Hoffman, L. (Creator), Huser, C. (Creator), Ivory, N. (Creator), Krecko, J. (Creator), Margetson, K. (Creator), McLeod, A. (Creator), Rahman, A. (Creator), Rassafiani, M. (Creator), Sikder, S. (Creator), Smith, L. (Creator), Tribolet, K.-A. (Creator), Stenson, S. (Creator), Woodhead, E.-J. (Creator) & Zischke, C. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
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Machine vision improves defect detection in manufacturing of collagen casings (sausage skins)
Paul, M. (Creator) & Williams, C. D. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact
Marketing and communications workshops for NDIS businesses
Kleinschafer, J. (Creator), Attree, K. (Presenter), Cannon, J. (Other), Erskine, V. (Creator) & Ng, K. (Facilitator)
Impact: Economic Impact
Murray Darling Basin PIT data analysis project
Huang, X. (Creator), Baumgartner, L. (Creator), Li, Z. (Creator) & Robinson, W. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Environmental Impact
National Consensus Statement on improving the physical health of people living with a mental illness in Australia
Roberts, R. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Phen2Disease: a phenotype-driven model for disease and gene prioritization
Huang, X. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact
Procedural Fairness for Judges and Courts
Galovic, L. (Participant) & Birch, P. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Review of Small Area Estimation and Microsimulation Modelling
Rahman, A. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact
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Revolutionizing Footcare: Innovative Foot and Leg Scanning Tool Enhances Service Delivery
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Other Impact
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Risk/needs assessment with juvenile offenders in NSW
McGrath, A. (Creator), Delahunty, J. (Creator) & Thompson, A. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact, Social Impact
Social Science Research and Intelligence in Australia Final Report
Walsh, P. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impact
Statistics is an essence for data science and policy analysis
Rahman, A. (Creator)
Impact: Social Impact, Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact
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Testimony re contemporary Australian Research about roles of Nurse Practitioners, Parkinson’s Disease Support in NSW
Rossiter, R. (Participant), Bramble, M. (Participant), Carroll, V. (Participant), Wong, A. (Participant), Matheson, A. (Participant) & Schwebel, D. (Participant)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Public policy Impact
The application of data mining techniques to improve service delivery in health and aged care
Islam, Z. (Creator), Altas, I. (Creator), Paul, M. (Creator) & Morrison, M. (Creator)
Impact: Economic Impact, Public policy Impact, Quality of life Impact, Social Impact
Transforming AI-Driven Depression Detection Research into National Mental Health Policy Guidance
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Public policy Impact
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Transforming Phone Call Behavioral Modeling into Innovations in Automated Action Systems for Electronic Devices
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Quality of life Impact, Other Impact
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Transforming Social Interaction-Aware Cooperative Convoy Research into Innovations in Automated Driving Vehicles
Kabir, A. (Creator)
Impact: Other Impact
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Women in Trades in Regional Australia Project
Bridges, D. (Creator), Bamberry, L. (Creator), Wulff, E. (Creator), Krivokapic-Skoko, B. (Creator) & Jenkins, S. (Creator)