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Personal profile

Dr Asad started his career at one of the oldest agricultural institution in South Asia, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh, where he worked as an Assistant Professor and was involved in teaching and industry-funded research in crop science, applied weed science, plant ecophysiology and agrometeorology.

Asad was awarded the Crawford Fund Australia in 2009 to work as a Visiting Scientist at the University of South Australia. He has completed his PhD in canola (Brassica napus L) allelopathy at CSU with the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship. Following completion of his PhD in 2015, he worked as a Research Fellow at the Graham Centre, CSU, working on crop-weed interference mechanisms, plant metabolomics, and root ecology.

Asad spent 6 years as a Research Scientist at the NSW Department of Primary Industries, first head-up research for both summer and winter crops in southern NSW, then herbicide resistance, weeds spatial intelligence, plant phenotypic plasticity, remote sensing, and the application of machine learning tactics for modelling and risk mapping of invasive plants to minimise biosecurity risks.

Asad joined SAEVS as a lecturer in crop science in 2023. His current research broadly focuses on crop digital agronomy, weed science, herbicide resistance and hormesis and plant ecology and plasticity under predicted climate change.


Asad’s teaching interests and experience include-

  • Crop science and Agronomy
  • Precision agriculture
  • Weed and Pesticide sciences.
  • Advanced enquiry methods
  • Experimental design and Data analysis
  • Agro-meteorology

Research Interests

  • Crop digital agronomy
  • Root-soil interactions
  • Weed science and herbicide resistance
  • Plant interference mechanisms
  • Ecological statistics & Data management 

Asad is keen on developing research programmes at CSU and is actively seeking research opportunities and partnerships focusing on

  • Leveraging remote sensing and plant spectral fingerprint in deep learning frameworks for smart agronomy
  • Weeds spatial processes (suitability and sustainability) to understand their evolutionary ecology and biological invasions both in cropping and non-cropping situations.
  • Herbicide resistance dynamics and the potential influence of hormesis on the evolution of resistance in weeds.
  • The capacity of plants (different shapes of functional traits of a certain genetic individual) respond to novel environments, and how and when it strengthens, and when it matters. 
  • Chemical mediated plant-plant interactions and how hidden-half of plant (root) show allelobiosis to their neighbours.
  • Using machine learning based SDMs to know where a species is known to occur and how it relates to a suitable environment.

Intellectual Property

-Asad reported world's first double-knock resistance (glyphosate followed by paraquat) in two biotypes of Conyza sumatrensis species

-He uncovered Australia’s first paraquat resistance in exotic Conyza summatrensis species.

-His herbicide hormesis research has been recognised in an international capacity and categorised as the most interesting research to explore the new roots of herbicide resistance development in weeds.

-Asad is a co-author of the comprehensive national weed reference “Integrated Weed Management Manual” for Australian growers. 

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Education/Academic qualification

Plant science, PhD, Allelopathy in canola (Brassica napus L), Charles Sturt University

11 Mar 201107 Aug 2014

Award Date: 28 Feb 2015

Agronomy, Master of Science, Response of mungbean to integrated water and nitrogen management, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University

Award Date: 28 Sept 2007

Subject keywords

  • Crop digital agronomy
  • Weed science and herbicide resistance
  • Allelopathy and roots interaction
  • Plant ecology and plasticity
  • Ecological statistics
  • Data mining and Use R in agri research
  • Machine learning for advanced agronomy

Registered Supervisor

  • Yes


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