Research output per year
Research output per year
Phd, Dr
Research activity per year
Dr Mahsheed Ansari is the Higher Degrees Research Coordinator and a Senior Lecturer in Islam and Contemporary Islamic Studies at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation at Charles Sturt University. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Religion and Ethics and Society (CRES), Charles Sturt University. Furthermore, she is a sessional Law lecturer at Western Sydney University. Mahsheed is also a Sessional Law Lecturer at Western Sydney University.
She holds a double degree in Law and Arts and a Master of Arts in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Sydney University, and completed her PhD in Historical Studies and Islamic Studies from Monash University.
Her research interests and publications explore various facets of Islamic intellectual history, theology, philosophy, and ethics. Additionally, she is interested in the historical and cultural presence of Islam and Muslims in Australia. Her latest publication, "Modern Debates in Prophecy and Prophethood in Islam: Muhammad Iqbal and Said Nursi," released by Routledge in 2023, presents a contemporary assessment of prophethood and the role of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the modern era.
Currently, she is working on the Muslim heritage project, which aims to capture and preserve the cultural heritage of Australian Muslims, particularly in the post-WWII era. She is writing about the pioneering initiatives of Dr Ashfaq Ahmad, exploring his contributions to the institutional development of Islam and Muslims and their lasting impact.
She has been a community activist working in the areas of interfaith dialogue, social harmony, and leadership-mentoring programs with Muslim women and youth, serving the community since the early 2000s. She is a mother to an almost 3-year-old and enjoys the challenge and opportunities arising from the school of motherhood.
Mahsheed frequently addresses audiences on issues related to Islam, Muslims, and ethics to public audiences and the media. She has appeared on the ABC radio program alongside other interfaith leaders and scholars of religion, as well as the God Forbid show and podcasts such as Blogging Theology.
Mahsheed’s research interests and publications explore various facets of Islamic intellectual history, theology, philosophy, and ethics. Additionally, she is interested in the historical and cultural presence of Islam and Muslims in Australia. Her latest publication, "Modern Debates in Prophecy and Prophethood in Islam: Muhammad Iqbal and Said Nursi," released by Routledge in 2023, presents a contemporary assessment of prophethood and the role of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the modern era.
Her most current research project focuses on capturing Muslim History in Australia. She is working on capturing the oral history of Muslim pioneers in Australia and the general broader history Muslim migration, settlement and life in Australia.
Australian Muslim Heritage Project
Muslim Pioneers Project:
A journey through Australia's Muslim Heritage: The Life and Times of Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Chief Investigator: Mahsheed Ansari
Mahsheed coordinates the higher degrees research degrees at CISAC. She is also a Principal Supervisor and co supervisor for PhD candidates in her related fields of research.
She is currently the supervisor of the following research topics:
Carol Mroue “The role of Islamic spirituality in post-traumatic growth and healing for Australian Muslim women victims of domestic violence” (PhD) ( Principal Supervisor)
Previously Co-supervising topics:
Mahsheed has taught and teaches a range of units in Islamic Studies and Contemporary Islam. Her subject specialities include the Islamic faith tradition, Muslims in the West, especially looking at the history of Australian Muslims.
Mahsheed along with her teaching colleagues at CISAC won the Faculty of Arts and Education’s teaching award for significant refocus of teaching strategies within the School in online delivery and the enhanced professional practice of the teaching team.
ISL260 Introduction to Arabic Language
ISL355/ISL455 Women in Islam and Islamic Cultures
ISL404 Islamic Worldview
ISL453 Muslims in the West
ISL456 Muslims in Australia
ISL471/ISL171 Islamic Morality (Akhlaq) and Character )
ISL270 Purification of the Heart (Session II)
ISL353 World Religions in Australia (Session III)
ISL470/ISL170 Essentials of Islamic Spirituality (Session I)
ISL599 Guided Research in Islamic Studies
Mahsheed has working a long side various institutions and community bodies in her professional and community work. She is passionate about serving through her academic, philanthropic and interfaith activities.
Mahsheed frequently addresses various audiences on issues related to Islam, Muslims, and ethics to public audiences and the media. She has written in media and appeared on the ABC radio program alongside other interfaith leaders and scholars of religion, including the God Forbid Show and more recently the international podcast Blogging Theology.
Advisory Board Member, Zia-e-Tahqeeq Islamic Studies Journal
Member/Author, Australian Journal of Islamic Studies [AJIS]
Member, Australian Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies (AAIMS)
Member/Author, Australian Association for the Study of Religions [AASR]
Member, Islamic Community Academics Network (ICAN)
Member, Oral History of NSW & Oral History Australia Network
Member, Australian Centre for Public History [ACPH]
Member, American Academy of Religion [AAR]
Member, Muslim Legal Network (NSW)
Member, Islamic Sciences and Research Academy of Australia
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Research output: Book/Report › Book
Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paper › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paper › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paper › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paper › Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
Ansari, M. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Award › Internal award
Ansari, M. (Examiner)
Activity: Supervision/Examination/Mentoring › Thesis Examination
Ansari, M. (Member)
Activity: Membership › External research organisation, centre or institute › Industry
Ansari, M. (Participant)
Activity: Engagement and professional development › External research and teaching › Academic
Ansari, M. (Reviewer)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review responsibility, including review panel or committee
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media