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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr Suman is a Lecturer in Population Health and Epidemiology at the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. Dr Suman is a Veterinarian who completed a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) with a focus on Epidemiology, followed by a PhD in Veterinary Epidemiology from the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. Dr. Suman was awarded scholarships from the Bangladesh Scholarship Council and the Nippon Foundation in Japan for his academic excellence in the DVM program. He graduated with Summa Cum Laude Distinction (Gold Medal) for his outstanding academic performance in his MPH. Besides, one of his PhD research papers was awarded the 2020 Best Higher Degree Research Paper by the UQ School of Veterinary Science.

Over the past 20 years, Dr Suman has developed himself as a recognized Veterinary Epidemiologist with hands-on knowledge and expertise’s in Veterinary Epidemiology, biosecurity and animal disease surveillance. Suman has completed training programs in Australia, UK and Bangladesh on advanced epidemiological techniques or modelling (for instance, risk factor modelling, infectious disease spread modelling, Structural Equation Modelling, spatial modelling, Multilevel random effects modelling, bioinformatics etc.). Moreover, Suman has extensive experiences in epidemiological studies using advanced epidemiological techniques (modelling) with a wide range of sophisticated analytical tools (for example, R, STATA, SaTScan,  MLwiN, MPlus, AMOS, ArcGIS Map, NVivo).

Suman’s outstanding and exceptional academic and professional skills and experiences led to his employment as a National Consultant: Biosecurity Expert, as a National Consultant: Surveillance Expert and as a Technical Advisor for renowned international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and STOP AI|USAID. Suman significantly contributed to the Avian Influenza field research program in Bangladesh to prevent and control emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases using innovative, web and mobile technologies through improving disease surveillance systems by applying innovative approaches, such as public and community based active disease surveillance to early detect, report and respond to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza disease. Suman also led the biosecurity program and made a significant contribution to improving biosecurity across the poultry value chain in Bangladesh through innovative biosecurity interventions, such as, (i) Public Private Partnership approaches (ii) Bio-secure Poultry Market Chain initiatives to improve biosecurity in commercial poultry production and poultry trading.  In addition, he played a key surveillance role for syndromic surveillance of livestock and poultry diseases, Emerging Pandemic Threats surveillance involving duck and swine, integrated Influenza A surveillance, integrated Avian Influenza risk-based surveillance and led numerous disease outbreak investigations (for example. Avian Influenza in poultry, Anthrax in cattle, Peste des petits ruminants-PPR in goats). Moreover, Suman developed various biosecurity training materials for different poultry stakeholders (commercial poultry farmers, backyard poultry farmers, live bird market personnel, transporter), vets, para-vets, community members etc. Suman was also involved in the development of basic epidemiology training materials on Avian Influenza and Foot-and Mouth Disease for field veterinarians of the Asia-Pacific region.

Suman’s expertise is recognized internationally, and he was invited to be a member of a FAO’s advisory panel (along with other experts from Australia, Egypt, Indonesia, UK, Vietnam) to advise on avian influenza prevention and control measures. Considering his outstanding epidemiological research skills, he was awarded a highly competitive post-doctoral fellowship by UQ and was recruited by different UQ projects to conduct epidemiological and biosecurity research. Recently, he worked as a Research Fellow in Veterinary Epidemiology, Biosecurity and Surveillance at the Gulbali Research Institute, Charles Sturt University, Australia 

Research Interests

  • Veterinary Epidemiology
  • Biosecurity 
  • Public Health
  • Animal disease surveillance
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Zoonotic disease
  • One Health

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land

Education/Academic qualification

Veterinary Epidemiology, Biosecurity and Animal Disease Surveillance, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Factors influencing the epidemiology of avian influenza virus circulation on poultry farms in Bangladesh, The University of Queensland

Award Date: 06 Jul 2020

Epidemiology, Masters in Public Health (MPH), American International University - Bangladesh

Award Date: 27 Feb 2014

Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)

Award Date: 26 Feb 2004

Science, Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C.)

Award Date: 17 Oct 1996

Science, Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)

Award Date: 02 Sept 1994

Subject keywords

  • Veterinary Epidemiology
  • Biosecurity
  • Animal Disease Surveillance
  • zoonotic disease
  • Antimicrobial resitance
  • One Health

Registered Supervisor

  • Yes


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