Charles Sturt University Internal Theme Funding

Prize: GrantSuccessful


Successful grant application, $44,510AUD - Charles Sturt Theme Funding.

In March 2024 the FOBJBS ADR put out a call for schools to apply for collaborative theme funding from the PVCRI. At an initial meeting staff from AGSPS, CLJ and SOPS discussed the creation of a joint bid for funds to support the hiring of Research Assistants to boost research outputs against the FOR Code 4402 - Criminology. As Theme leader, I collaborated with Professor Nolan, Dr Delaforce, Professor Zahid and Professor Parker-McLeod. I lead the development of the initial application, rejoinder and all application supporting documents following notification of the successful outcome of this grant application. The purpose of the grant application was: "Charles Sturt University (CSU) recognizes the importance of fostering research endeavours that not only contribute to academic knowledge but also have tangible impacts on NSW communities, as outlined in the CSU Research Strategy. This joint proposal focuses on supporting the NSWPF via several collaborative School and Centre research projects aligned with key NSWPF research themes, and the support of Charles Sturt’s priority Field of Research (FoR) codes currently at World Standard, all of which contribute directly to the Charles Sturt narrative of resilient people, flourishing communities, and sustainable environments".
Granting OrganisationsCharles Sturt University, Australia
