Co-designing rural workforce requirements for community-dwelling older people with a person-centred approach

Prize: GrantSuccessful


Associate Professor Pauletta Irwin¹, Deborah Magee ¹, Dr Rui Bi ², Professor Oliver Burmeister ³, Dr Teddy Nagaddya ⁴, Dr Sharlotte Tusasiirwe ⁴, Professor Gabrielle Drake ⁴, Nicole Mahara ¹.
¹ Charles Sturt University – School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences;
² Charles Sturt University – School of Business;
³ Charles Sturt University – School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering;
⁴ University of Western Sydney – School of Social Sciences
Degree of recognitionRegional
Granting OrganisationsRural Health Research Institute
