Community Climate Health Amongst Livestock Keepers in Kyrgyzstan (CCHALKK)

Prize: GrantSuccessful


This research project will advance evidence-based policy and practical actions to strengthen human
health against adverse climate impacts within livestock-keeping communities (LKCs) in Kyrgyzstan in
Central Asia. Adopting a One Health approach, it will generate evidence that is representative of
large parts of Central Asia and, in so doing, support positive policy reform such as called for within
the Central Asia One Health Regional Framework for Action and other strategies. Utilising mixed
methods, a transdisciplinary team and a collaborative approach with government, community and
multilateral stakeholders, the research project will examine and describe the human health impacts of
climate change within LKCs in Kyrgyzstan, a country where like much of Central Asia livestock
farming is of key importance to culture, livelihoods, and nutritional security. Adopting a One Health
approach will enable examination of the complex associations between climate change and human
health while mindful of the nuanced, contextual and cultural influences operating at the intersections
between human health, livestock and agriculture. We will generate evidence for the feasibility of
effective action and necessary policy development that addresses human health vulnerabilities and
strengthens resilience and adaptation to climate change with a particular focus on Kyrgyzstan.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsWellcome Trust
