Gulbali Collaboration Kickstarter Scheme

Prize: GrantSuccessful


Activity: Travel, stakeholder and on Country meetings, as well as conference presentation drafting with Budjiti people of the Paroo River Country, south western QLD: also a scoping trip for doing science the right way.
Location: Budjiti Country, southwestern QLD, including Eulo and Currawinya National Park
Dates: 13 – 20 June 2023
Summary of outcomes:
• Meetings and visits of significant (e.g. RAMSAR) sites in Currawinya National Park involving Budjiti People (including the directors of the Budjiti Aboriginal Corporation (BAC) Board), Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services, as well as Southern Queensland Landscapes staff to prioritise research activities under BAC Board leadership.
• Exploration of the Eulo Commons for ‘Wetland Garden Project’ and options for re-discovering / re-introducing the “Burranbu” (totem animal).
• Meeting about establishment of a research hub to coordinate research projects into Budjiti natural and cultural heritage, including Budjiti lands, waters, and natural resources, and to prioritise fields of research for the hub.
• Conference presentation.
Degree of recognitionRegional
Granting OrganisationsGulbali Institute of Charles Sturt University
