Title: International speech pathology work-integrated learning for Master of Speech Pathology students: A Fiji telepractice pilot. Project aim: To establish and evaluate an international (Australia-Fiji) CSU Master of Speech Pathology (MaSP) student-led telepractice clinic for Fijian students with communication difficulties. This mixed methods pilot project will collect qualitative (e.g., focus group transcripts) and quantitative data (e.g., client assessment scores, survey) which will be analysed to answer the following research questions: 1. What factors influence MaSP students, clinical educators, and Fijian caregivers’ satisfaction with international telepractice service provision for children with communication and/or swallowing difficulties, and why? [survey] 2. How much progress do Fijian children with communication and/or swallowing difficulties make towards achieving their therapy goals when receiving international telepractice services? [client assessment data] 3. What aspects of MaSP students’ cultural and/or linguistic knowledge of the Fijian community significantly improves pre- versus post-international telepractice clinical placement. [focus group]