A crisis or an opportunity: Challenges to E-Learning protocols development and implementation

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2020
Event2020 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Online Conference - CQUniversity Online , Rockhampton , Australia
Duration: 13 Oct 202014 Oct 2020
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/scholarship-of-tertiary-teaching-online-conference-registration-107516795630?aff=eml (Program and abstracts)


Conference2020 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Online Conference
OtherCQUniversity Academic Board and the Learning Design and Innovation Directorate proudly presents the 2020 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Online Conference.

The conference is aimed at bringing together teaching scholars from across all teaching platforms to share insights and best practice in the field of teaching and learning, and will centre around the following themes:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
Educational assessment and evaluation
Educational technology
Professional development of educators
The virus crisis
Researchers, academics, vocational education and training teachers, and professional staff members are welcome to submit an original abstract related to any of the above themes for an opportunity to present at the conference and to make a contribution to the advancement of knowledge or professional practice in this field.
Internet address

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