A critical analysis of the National Quality Framework: Mobilising for a vision for children beyond minimum standards

Marianne Fenech, Miriam Giugni, Kathryn Bown

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    The National Quality Framework (NQF) has been heralded by the AustralianGovernment as a significant reform that will raise the quality of early childhoodeducation and care (ECEC) across the country. Drawing on Foucault's (1991)conceptualisation of governmentality this article critically analyses the NQF. From thisanalysis we conclude that while overall, children in ECEC settings across Australia willbe somewhat better off, the NQF nonetheless falls well short of its intended outcomes.Sumsion's (2006) conceptual framework for political activism in the ECEC sector isused to propose one way forward for early childhood advocates and activists to workfor policy reform that may more effectively meet the Government's goal of givingchildren the best possible start in life. Central to our proposal is what we believe iscurrently lacking in early childhood policy: a bold, innovative vision for children's rightto a high-quality early education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5-14
    Number of pages10
    JournalAustralian Journal of Early Childhood
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012


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