A farmer-led partnership for improved surveillance

Jennifer Manyweathers, Marta Hernandez-Jover, Barton Loechel, Aditi Mankad, Heleen Kruger, Robert Woodgate, Lynne Hayes, Yiheyis Maru

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstract

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventRecent Advances in Emergency Animal Diseases Annual Symposium 2017 - Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Australia
Duration: 18 Oct 201719 Oct 2017
https://events.csiro.au/Events/2017/August/3/Emergency-Animal-Diseases-Symp-2017#moreinformation (Conference information)


ConferenceRecent Advances in Emergency Animal Diseases Annual Symposium 2017
OtherThe recognition, diagnosis and management of an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) lies at the heart of protecting the health of Australia’s primary industries and its people. It is an area facing new challenges and opportunities including the emergence of new diseases, evolving surveillance responsibilities and the development of new diagnostic technologies.

This symposium gathers veterinary practitioners, animal health managers, diagnosticians and livestock industry representatives to learn and discuss recent innovations and challenges in EAD surveillance, diagnostics and management. It will also provide some refresher training in EAD preparedness for private and government veterinary practitioners.
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