A fireside chat on interactive oral assessments: using evidence-based practice to inform innovative, equitable and engaging learning and assessment design

    Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


    A panel of international educators explore the benefits of Interactive Oral assessment design and delivery from the perspective of innovation, equity, student engagement and the development of transversal skills. Using empirical evidence collected longitudinally in numerous studies over the past 7 years, the panel consider applications across a wide variety of disciplines and also the merit of horizontal and vertical curriculum alignment of Interactive Oral assessments across programs of studies. Learn how both students and lecturers have received this form of assessment, why it works, and more importantly, why it is quickly forming a global community of advocates.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2022
    EventEchoexperience22 - Virtual
    Duration: 28 Jun 202229 Jun 2022


    OtherJoin our virtual annual event, echoexperience2022, to learn how leading organizations embrace Echo360’s innovative engagement solutions to create inspired learning experiences for all learners.
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