A leap of faith: Embedding e-simulation in an associate degree in policing practice

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Purpose – This chapter examines disputes produced by two young
children during computer game playing and considers how the disputes
were related to the children’s ongoing activity.
Methodology/approach – The study is framed by ethnomethodology and
conversation analysis. Sequential analysis of recorded data details the
mutual production of disputes during talk and interaction.
Findings – The analysis establishes how the children made each other
accountable to the agreed-upon way of playing the game after one child
offered to show the other how to play. Conflict developed during the game
and disputes built upon previous disputes, especially in relation to claims
made about knowing how to play.
Research implications – The disputes here are best understood in relation
to how disagreement was avoided initially but then emerged as the gaming
progressed. Examining disputes in the course of computer activity shows
how the children turn agreement into disagreement over time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSimulations, games and role play in university education
EditorsClaus Nygaard, Nigel Courtney, Elyssebeth Leigh
Place of PublicationFaringdon, UK
PublisherLibri Publishing
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9781907471674
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series

NameLearning in higher education series.


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