A long-term practice profile of dental students training in a 5-year undergraduate degree program in Australia: Contributing to community health

Erica Yates

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


In Australia, successful graduands from accredited tertiary dental education courses seek registration as a general dentist by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) without further examination, supervision or training.
• Registered general dentists are expected to work independently and unsupervised immediately upon graduation, so it is important that prior to
graduation identification of the graduand’s acquired high level of professionally recognised skills is achieved.
• This is in contrast to general medical practitioners who must undergo a year of a hospital based internship after receiving their tertiary qualification prior to gaining the right of registered independent practice.
• The need to establish the practice profile of dental students in Australia has therefore been established.
The difference between the institutional practice profile and that of the dental students indicates that there is a mismatch between satisfying the training
needs of dental students and the treatment needs of the existing patient pool. Where the supply of patients and their treatment needs cannot be readily
identified to consistently meet the training needs of dental students, alternative training pedagogy needs to be explored with investment such as in virtual
reality and haptic technology could address these needs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2018
EventThe 58th Annual Meeting of the Australian/New Zealand Division of International Association for Dental Research - Duxton Hotel Perth, Perth, Australia
Duration: 22 Sept 201825 Sept 2018


ConferenceThe 58th Annual Meeting of the Australian/New Zealand Division of International Association for Dental Research
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