A method for determining catchment scale priorities for riparian protection and rehabilitation

S Wilkinson, Robyn Watts, Amy Jansen, J Olley, A Read, T Miller

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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In Australia, river management decisions are increasingly being made at the catchment scale. There are well established procedures for setting restoration priorities, however catchment managers need objective assessments of catchment condition to help them prioritise restoration works. We describe the application of two catchment-scale assessment techniques, SedNet and the Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (RARC), to determine priorities for protection (fencing) and rehabilitation (replanting) of riparian vegetation in the Murrumbidgee catchment. SedNet is a model that constructs sediment budgets, and the RARC is an assessment of the biodiversity and function of riparian zones. Priorities for bank erosion control were determined by bank erosion hazard, which accounts for stream power, the presence of erodible soil, and channel incision. Priorities for riparian condition were determined using a remotely sensed dataset of existing riparian vegetation cover. The techniques are demonstrated in the Murrumbidgee Catchment, where they are being used to assist setting priorities for river restoration. A method for combining the priorities from SedNet and RARC is described, to address objectives of improving water quality and riparian condition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4th Australian Stream Management Conference
Subtitle of host publicationlinking rivers to landscapes
EditorsR. Glazik
Place of PublicationHobart, Tasmania
PublisherDepartment of primary Industries, Water and Environment
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)0724663363
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventAustralian Stream Management Conference - Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Duration: 19 Oct 200422 Oct 2004


ConferenceAustralian Stream Management Conference


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