A multimodal approach to engaging undergraduate students in a work integrated learning (WIL) course

Karthika Krishna Pillai, Amita Krautloher

    Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    WIL is a crucial opportunity in an undergraduate Engineering course, as it assists students to develop their professional identity. In addition to the experiential and observational learning opportunities at placement, students must engage in peer interaction to develop shared and negotiated insights to maximise learning. This session discusses the use of a/synchronous teaching and learning activities to i) personalise students' professional development through scaffolded assessments ii) develop a sense of professional community through peer-peer engagement and iii) enhance their employability skills beyond the learning outcomes of the subject(s)
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 08 Oct 2021
    EventScholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit 2021 - Online, Kennesaw, United States
    Duration: 07 Oct 202108 Oct 2021
    https://facultydevelopment.kennesaw.edu/sotlsummit/2021/index.php (Summit website)
    https://facultydevelopment.kennesaw.edu/sotlsummit/2021/2021-SoTL-Summit-Program.pdf (Program and abstracts)


    ConferenceScholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit 2021
    Abbreviated titleResearch on Teaching and Learning
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    OtherOur conference, formerly known as the Research on Teaching and Learning Summit, has a rich tradition of celebrating research on teaching and learning. Starting in 2021, the Summit is rebranding as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit to better reflect the terminology of the field. The SoTL Summit will adopt an intentionally developmental focus to help participants at all levels of SoTL experience grow as teacher-scholars.

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