A novel gaussian distribution and tukey weight (gdatw) algorithms: deformation accuracy for augmented reality (ar) in facelift surgery

Abeer Alsadoon, Yahini Murugesan, P. W.C. Prasad, Sami Haddad, Anand Deva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In facelift surgeries, tracking the exact position of the patient’s facial nerves, blood vessels and other tissues can help the surgeons make the right decisions during surgery. Using Augmented Reality technologies that display the mapping of soft tissues beneath the skin, surgeons will be able to detect and locate the regions of cutting correctly prior to making the first cut. The study of Augmented Reality-assisted surgeries has not been found in facelift surgeries involving facial soft tissues, thus this journal can provide with invaluable first steps into the more concentrated studies involving this area. The current available systems in the oral and maxillofacial areas has shown limitation in supporting the elastic nature of facial soft tissues, which shape shifts and changes due to patient’s movement, or movement caused by surgeon during surgery. This paper aims to increase overlay accuracy by reducing elastic deformation error for Augmented Reality in facelift surgeries. The proposed system consists of a Gaussian Distribution and Tukey Weight (GDaTW) algorithm to reduce the deformation error after the geometric error algorithm had been performed. The test results confirm that the new algorithm improves the video accuracy by ~0.10 mm by reducing the overlay error caused by elastic deformation with the display framerate of 5–10 frames per second compared to 10–13 frames per second in existing system. The improvement proposed in this system increases the overlay accuracy by reducing elastic deformation error. The correct display of soft tissues in the mandibular region using Augmented Reality aims to aid plastic surgeons perform facelift surgeries with confidence, to avoid making the wrong cuts of vital areas occluded by the patient’s skin.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15719-15743
Number of pages25
JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
Early online date06 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


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