13 Citations (Scopus)


Internet of Things (IoT) will play an important role in the contemporary communication networks. In this modern and future communication paradigm hundreds of different smart Internet enabled devices will communicate with each other continuously. For such communication networks and smart devices, apart from the sophisticated communication protocols, efficient hardware will also play a very crucial role. Antennas being at the front end of communication, are one of the important components of such a hardware. The antennas for IoT applications are required to exhibit three important characteristics, namely; (i) small size, (ii) energy efficiency and (iii) ability to operate in multi antenna environment. In this paper, we propose an antenna design that fulfils these important requirements. We propose an ultra-wideband antenna that is small in size compared to other existing designs, with dimensions 24 × 28 mm2, that can easily fit in hand-held mobile devices. Measured results indicate that the antenna not only has a very small power return loss but also exhibits a low mutual coupling that highlights that the proposed design is capable to operate in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configurations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 10th International conference on signal processing and communication systems (ICSPCS 2016)
Place of PublicationUnited States
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781509009411
ISBN (Print)9781509009428
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems: ICSPCS 2016 - Hilton Hotel, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 19 Dec 201621 Dec 2016
http://www.dspcs-witsp.com/icspcs_2016/index.html (Conference website)
https://dspcs-witsp.com/icspcs_2016/Technical_Program_Final.htm (Conference program)


Conference10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems
CityGold Coast
OtherThe 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS’2016, follows the very successful ICSPCS'2014 and ICSPCS'2015. A major objective of the Conference will be to pursue the progression from communication and information theory through to the implementation, evaluation and performance improvement of practical communication systems using Signal Processing technology. The Conference is also planned to be a forum for presenting research into topics ranging from those of the physical layer to the application layer.
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