A transformative fusion: How digital storytelling blends technology and talent to create serious leisure

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


This paper explores the transformative power of storytelling within the context of digital platforms as a form of Serious Leisure, where passionate storytellers devote their creativity and competencies to create inspiring narratives using digital media. By exploring the theoretical frameworks and best practices, the paper reveals the transformative power of digital storytelling for individuals and communities. It also examines the role of emerging technologies in amplifying this potential. Additionally, the paper explores the practical implications of digital storytelling within various cultural institutions across the GLAM sector, highlighting the opportunities for preserving and sharing transformative narratives around significant items and collections. The paper shows how storytellers create narratives that not only inform and entertain but also inspire and engage the audience in meaningful conversations. Furthermore, digital storytelling allows storytellers to explore new narrative patterns and styles. They can experiment with interactive narratives and user-generated content. These innovative approaches empower storytellers to push the boundaries of traditional storytelling and engage their audience in more participatory ways. The paper concludes that by merging the power of emerging technologies with the art of storytelling, digital platforms provide a unique opportunity to magnify the impact of narratives surrounding objects and collections, enabling a more profound understanding for the storytellers and their audience.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023
EventThe Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2023 - Online
Duration: 27 Nov 202328 Nov 2023
https://www.bsanz.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/BSANZ-2023-Final-program-no-links-1.pdf (Program)


ConferenceThe Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2023
Abbreviated titleTransformation: Bibliography & Print in the Digital Age
OtherThe impact of the digital on the way we study print artefacts, including the book, has been phenomenal. It has allowed us to access so much more information about our objects of study, from the provenance of book and manuscript collections, to biographical information about authors, publishers, and booksellers, to distribution, advertising, and reception. It has also transformed how we might communicate the rich stories of our bibliographical history research and collections. Social media, blogs, online lectures and conferences, exhibitions, and digitised copies of collections linked to catalogue records and interfaces such as NLA’s TROVE database are now the chief means of communicating quickly to audiences and communities.

Our BSANZ conference this year will engage with the topic of TRANSFORMATION. We welcome papers that address the theme of transformation in any context, including the digital.
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